Well, this is my first attempt at sending a You tube video your way. I hope it works.
Over the past two weeks, I have been getting requests for Pete the Cat. When I finally asked why, a customer directed me to this video, discovered by an administrator with the MPSD. There's no denying the joy these two are getting from "reading."
Ironically, I recently read the results of a 20 year study lead by Mariah Evans, Associate Professor of Sociology and Resource Economics at the University of Nevada. Her massive study showed that being raised in a bookless home has as great an effect on the level of education a child will attain as having parents who are barely literate (3 years). By the same token, being raised in a home with a 500-book library has as great an impact as having parents who have a university eduction (15 + years of education). But, we are all readers, book lovers, and respecters of words, and we knew this,didn't we?
For October, we chose to watch the Anne of Green Gables mini-series starring Megan Follows and Colleen Dewhurst. I seldom watch a movie more than once (unless of course the there is a certain, compelling star!) but I have seen this series three times. For some reason, the first two times, I missed the segment where Matthew Cuthbert dies. I had already cried through three scenes, so what's one more, I guess.
True confessions! I never read any of the "Anne" books, so last weekend I started and finished the first in the series. I enjoyed it every bit as much as the movie. This is essentially a feel good story, but the author does not avoid difficult issues, and each character, in turn, struggles with some type of emotional catharsis. Anne is exuberant, spunky, strong, and silly; the others characters are also multi-layered; most of us have similar characters in our lives - an we are some of them! Will I read the rest of the Lucy Maude Montgomery books? Probably not! Too many other books calling...
Thanks for stopping by.