Monday, August 3, 2020

Dog Diaries and friendships

Finally, a book that tells it like it is for us who rule.  Other books about us just don't get it and so this book, written by Junior, could be helpful.  We, and by WE, I mean those in the powerful once-a-wolf-always a wolf organization.  You see, people think they are choosing us, but the truth is, we choose them and when we do, we also choose how we like to live, what and when we like to eat, and the type of sleeping accommodations we prefer.  We move in, we set the schedule, we make the rules.  It's all here in Junior's diary.

My person is busy rushing around doing what she called end of the month stuff, so the keyboard is free.  This is my second dog blog.  This book is part of a series, that means there is more than one in a row, sort of like the row of treats in the store.  More than one box in a row so you know there will always be more. 

Junior's pretty smart.  In addition to telling his story, beginning on the day he picked his human pet, he draws pictures.  He shows us the best places to hide treats, sights to look at while taking your person for a walk, and ways to avoid the dreaded vacuum cleaner. (Warning:  you might want to close your eyes when you get to the naughty picture on page 161). Junior has a few oops moments and his teacher threatens to send him back to the pound.  She says he is too social. 

 But you know what, that's not a bad thing.  I know, I am social doggie, and nothing stops me from getting hugs and rubs from lots of people each day.  Grace and Claire are two of my newest fans, and boy, are they ever neat.  To begin with, they match.  Twins, I heard someone say.  They live in Minnesota and came all the way to Manitowoc just to visit me.  Who can blame them?  They came in Tuesday.  They came in Wednesday.  They came in Friday.  They came in today - Monday - to say goodbye.  I'm telling you, these girls know how to get me going, running and dancing, whooping and hollering, playing hide-and seek , and they also know how to rub my belly just right to lull me into a deep, deep relaxation.  So nice.  I will miss them but I have the neat-o toy they brought me and so I will think of them each time I swing it around and growl in their honor.

I'm looking a little disheveled in this picture; come on, those girls wore me out and I needed a nap.  

By the way, I'm running a little contest.  My person has decided that I need a middle name so now my full name is Mable M. Davenport.  What does the M stand for?  I have a fabulous prize for the first person who guesses right.  I thought about  giving up my stuffed, one eared Lambchop puppet,  but that is a sacrifice I cannot make.  I promise the prize will be just as good, though.  Try your luck and  put your best guess on the LaDeDa Facebook page  and.....person is back for the sign off

Thanks for stopping by
Stay safe. Stay healthy. Stay happy.

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