Monday, November 9, 2020

Kicking Back with Mable Mabel Davenport

If I do say so myself, last week was a winner.  Real productive... a personal best, I believe.  It was a two pen, one thermometer, and a mask week.  In addition, I taught myself the useful skill of getting up on the dining room chairs but still have to figure out how to wiggle free from underneath to get at whatever is left for me on top. Did I mention I chewed my way out of a new harness? Oh, and then there were the papers placed so I should not have been able to get them. 

My human decided I needed some down time to relax from all my accomplishments, so we settled into a comfy chair and she read to me. It seems my human figured I need different interests.  Well, let me tell you, this book has done the trick.  I have a whole new checklist of things to discover, projects to work on, and mysteries to solve.  Right from the get go, Spike Carlson and I are on he same page.  Get what I did there - the same page?  Anyway, he takes us on a little tour of neighborhoods and all the excitement to be found.  Front porches - with chairs and swings.  Yes!  Great for squirrel watching, and for catching up on what Billie, my furry neighbor is up to.

Did I just mention squirrels?  Can't wait until we get to Chapter 7, Roadkill (and Litter) Squished, Plucked and Plogged.  My human read ahead a little  and here's some neat stuff from one of those pages

The argument can be made that if a critter is so clueless as to think it's fast enough and tough enough to stand its ground against a Dodge Ram it deserves to become URP - unidentified road pizza. Unfortunately for the critter, we are often the clueless ones.  The roads we build crisscross the paths critters use to migrate, mate, and seek out food, water, and shelter. The road salt we spread and the apple cores we toss out the car window lure them like moths to a flame. Our distracted driving turns our vehicles into two-ton bullets.   

Human stopped reading before we finished.  That means we will spend more time together, me lounging as she reads.  We still have to find all about neighborhoods and parks, water towers, street names, city planning. With all this to think about, time management will become my number one priority.  Let's see - hmmm - paper shredding from 9-9:02, followed by a snack and a nap, following the sun around the house, of course...then...time to try something new like getting at the garbage.  My days are full of joy.  I hope yours are, too.

From human

Thanks for stopping by

'Stay safe, healthy and happy.

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