...and so it begins...the string of holidays that provide little taps on our shoulders reminding us to take stock, to be grateful, and to share our gifts. My reasons for gratitude are no more significant than yours, so I won't go into a long lost. Rest assured, had I made a list, your name would be included!
What I have been thinking about is all the traditional events in our lives.
.....Thanksgiving, Christmas, Chanukah, 4th of July....
.....then there are the holidays created by the gift industry - Grandparents' Day, Sweetest Day, Bosses' Day -all good and worth noting
.....add to that birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, graduations
Then there are the random, fun, personal special days. You know what I'm talking about. Getting a driver's license. Being asked to prom. Loosing a tooth. Buying a house. Getting a dog. Winning a bet. Opening night of a play. Closing night of a play. Doing charitable works. Seeing a baby smile for the first time. Making a new friend. Playing your first piano recital piece flawlessly. Winning the football game. No tax increase. An "A" from Professor Crabby Appleton.... Insert your own ideas here.
To some, that list might seem daunting, overwhelming, and just plain foolish. I look at it and think that if I tried just a tiny bit, I could come up with a celebration for each day of they year. Some days might even have two or three reasons to celebrate.
Now, that is worth being thankful for if you ask me.
Thanking you for your continued support, laughter, and friendship 365 days of the year. Now, go eat turkey.