Come on, admit it. You had leftover pumpkin pie for breakfast.
If you're out doing some local looking, stop by and say "Hi".
I totally enjoy roaming up and down the isle of various stores. looking for the perfect gift for everyone on my list. But, although this will appear counter intuitive, I think we should all band together and start a revolution.
A revolution?
Yes, an anti-shop till you drop revolution. I know I'm in retail - in a small way, at least - and yes, I appreciate every time my door opens. But, these weeks leading up to Christmas have so much more to offer than jockeying for a parking spot, fighting crowds, and grabbing lots of this and that, much of which may turn out to be the wrong size, color, shape or volume. And how about those public bathrooms?
Instead, try spending more time smelling the cider, listening to carols, and sharing a friendly chat with others on treasure hunts similar to your.
Let's shop till we're done, not till we drop...and then enjoy.