Heart-A-Rama week. Do I have to say much more? I am tired, exhausted, actually. But, tired doesn't get much better than being surrounding by goofballs doing good. Each year, at about this time, I beg forgiveness in advance, for any extraordinarily foolish, inappropriate, convoluted and just plain stupid remarks that may be forthcoming. Like Lady Macbeth, I was my hands of the guilt, and cannot be held responsible.
Reading? Well, Heart-A-Rama week and David Sedaris week usually coincide. He is one of the few authors I re-read - to the point of being able to quote. Some people quote Lincoln, or MLK, or Shakespeare, or the Buddha (sure I can quote him a little)...but me, I can quote Sedaris Because I have read and reread and re re re...I don't have to think about it too much, and still get the benefit of a strong, dark, stout belly laugh on each page. Next week will be David Sedaris week 2.
My neighbor's son lives on Michigan Avenue in Chicago. Lady GaGa, -Stephanie - as I like to call her - lives in one of four penthouses in the same building. These are a couple photos from her apartment. Enjoy looking at them and then get to the Pig and buy your Heart-A-Rama ticket.
Thanks for stopping by.