Dylan Gilje, lighting manager, production assistant
Susan Scot Fry, production and talent manager
James DeKoch, screenwriter, director, editor
Here's a great shot of our news friends from the DK Company, the folks working on the bullying film. From what I hear, Saturday's shoot at Pinecrest Historical Village was chilly but emotional. The 5 A.M. call was certainly shocking to many participants, and even though people understood that they may only be seen as a speck in a large group shot, the turnout was great. I'm still sworn to secrecy about the final moments of the movie, and tough as it is, I will respect that request.
In LDD news, loyal employees, Debbie and Matt both believe we are on the verge of the apocalypse because of what they see as a peculiar change of heart for me. After years of fighting it, I have activated a FaceBook page. The truth is that Brendo, an employee who relocated to Madison after her marriage - and who should be in labor with her first baby as I write this - set up a FB page for me while I wasn't looking back in 2009. I puttered with it for four days, and then shut it down upon discovering that I had shockingly little to say of interest or import.
In the past weeks -years, really - I have become more and more accepting of how important a FB page is for business, and so I stepped in once again. In order to have a business page, I needed a personal page. Jacque Miller patiently walked me through the security settings on both pages last Wednesday, and guess what, I still have nothing of interest or import to say. However, if you want, you can LIKE us and eventually, I will find a way to make the page both scintillating and serviceable. There's a link on the right side
What am I reading? People Magazine and not a darn other thing. With the play at UW-Manitowoc, and dealing with contractors and insurance adjusters both here at at home, there has been little time. Methinks it's time for a palette cleanse again. That usually means a young adult novel. I'm thinking something with pirates might be good. I'll let you know.
Thanks for stopping by.
Summer Fun on the Lakeshore...
The Peter Quince Performing Company presents "How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying " at UW-Manitowoc Thursday-Saturday.
Tom Drill's Showtime 2014 next week Wednesday, August 14th, and Thursday, August, 15th in the City Hall parking lot.