Monday, December 9, 2019

2020 Reading Plan

Time to lay down my reading plan for 2020. 2019's retro reading went well, although, as usual, I didn't fit in the plethora of titles I had hoped for.  Those I read took me back to a time when I  had different expectations of the novels I selected, and  my list of favorite writers looked nothing like my current list.

2020 Reading Part 1. I'm taking the plunge into audio books.  Oh, I have tried them before, listening on my way to and from work, but the drive is too short to make much progress. Did I move?  How is it that audio books will work for me now?  I'll tell you. For most of my life, I have been a morning show junkie, flipping between The Today Show and Good Morning America.  Why has it taken me so long to see that both of these shows fill the bulk of their second hours with mindless fluff? When they tease something that appears to have promise, the actual segment lasts all of two minutes.  Then there's the problem of the on-air talent.  Too many divas reading news, too much personal chatter, too many inside baseball comments among commentators.  I often wonder how legitimate journalists like George Stephanopoulos stands this day after day.  Oh yeah, the paycheck.  

So, I have decided to go morning show cold turkey - sort of. After the first 15 minutes of newsy bits, off goes the TV and out will come the books on CD.  Tomorrow, I begin.  A short trip to the library this morning showed me that I will have so shortage of titles to keep me busy.  Today I chose There There, and Nick Butler's Little Faith.  My email book club cuz, Steve, gave me some advice on evaluating audio books, advice which I will keep in mind as I read.

2020 Reading Part 2. The Book of God. I am always surprised at how many people have read the Bible from cover to cover.  Some have read it multiple times. Must be pretty good!  Novels, and even some non-fiction, are filled with Biblical references in the form of metaphors, analogies, and often witty one-liners.  I miss most of them because my Bible story knowledge consists of poor Adam and Eve searching for fig leaves, and the old Noah who managed to float a bunch of feisty animals around in a homemade ark.  

I found the above book years ago, and began reading with the thought of plowing right through.  Didn't work;  the bookmark rests at Moses.  This time I'm giving myself a year to read this, a little each day.  I really do want to know these stories, and the novel format intrigues me.  

Just like with New Year's resolutions, my intentions are good, my plan is solid.  Holding off distractions will be the challenge.  I'll keep you posted.

Thanks for stopping by.


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