Monday, June 22, 2020

Trans-Sisters Radio by Chris Bohjalian

Typical love story plot: boy meets girl. Boy loses girl.  Boy and girl reunite.  Not exactly the scenario here.  Boy loses girl, indeed...because he is will soon be she.  Chris Bohjalian (Midwives) wrote this book when we had a glut of nasty TV talk show dedicated to chair throwing, baby daddy outing, and sensationalizing even the most sensitive of human conditions.  We've all learned a lot about the trans community since those days, and for that reason alone, part of this book may present information already clear in your mind. 

The plot, as I said implied, is simple.  A man and woman fall in love; neither is expecting their casual relationship to move in that direction, but hearts opened and things moved from there.  Because the intensity of their friendship grew quickly, it wasn't until months in that Dana was able to tell Allison that he was considering transitioning.   And he did - both tell and transition.

Allison had tough choices to make - leave love behind, dabble in a lifestyle she had not considered before, embrace a platonic life                                                            with Dana, run away.....

Bohjalian spares no details in describing the reconstruction surgery, and the necessary rehab that follows.  Although I can't understand, I have always sympathized with those who don't feel right about who they are.  Taking dramatic steps, as Dana did, may be one solution, but the impact of that decision results in a myriad of complexities both for the transitioned individual and for anyone in his/her life.  So many thoughts ran through my mind as I read this, making me question how truly open minded I am about this topic.  So, yes, there is a physical change, and hopefully that is followed by an emotional change leading to much deserved happiness for the individual.  But, genetically, s/he has not changed, so what does that mean?  Is that really a change?  That, and other issues, confused me along the way...that's good reading.  Made me think.  Made me wonder....

This is human drama brings to light something that is probably not as rare as many of us believe it is.  The book is rough going at times, rocky, proactive, disturbing, and raw.  I guess you can tell from the lack of direction in this post that this book has me spinning.  Perhaps I would be more settled about the book had it not been for the ending.  The resolution (of sorts) was contrived, and, in my opinion, insulting to the major characters.  Check it out and let me know what you think.  (Mary, if you read it, please read the first couple chapters before you skip to the end!)

Thanks for stopping by.
Stay safe. Stay healthy. Stay happy.

...and thanks...your support since our little indie bookstore has reopened has been humbling and overwhelming.

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