Friday, April 1, 2011

Catching Up

I know I'm off schedule, and that I am sending this out to you on Friday; so even though this was due last Monday, consider it the post for next week, OK?!?!? I've been busy!

Just look at that big smile on Jose's (accent over the e, please) face! Terri picked him up from the shelter just minutes before, so this was their first official meeting. Terri had some sadness a few week ago when she lost her epicurean dog, Bailey, after he dined on a sock. From little on, Bailey specialized in socks, and as all dog owners know, when a furry friend dedicates himself to a cause, the loyalty cannot be undone. And why must they always like the gross stuff? My dog would rip my arm off for a chance at a dirty tissue. What is that about?

One little visit to the shelter, and Terri found herself a new buddy. This is one neat dog. Even the name is neat. He had been at the shelter about a week when he found Terri, and she got to take him for a two hour test date after he got his rabies shot. One of their first stops was LaDeDa, and in that short time, they had bonded. This little guy was so devoted to Terri that he hardly gave me a moment's notice. He sat next to her, on her actually, and then the kissing began. Such enthusiastic kissing!
But take a look at that face, will you? How many dogs do you know that will pose for a picture? He's up to something, isn't he? I think he's a real operator, and once he settles in with Terri, the tricks will begin. He's got an agenda, you can just tell.

I hope they have a long, happy, and laughter filled friendship.

Last Saturday, we celebrated Curiosity Day with twenty-one 3-8 year-olds and their parents. Firefighter, Seth Dramm, stopped by to read Curious George, and to visit with the kids about his job. They had great questions, and would have kept Seth here all morning. He brought little firefighter hats and coloring books for them.

Alison Taylor organized games and craft activities, while I whipped up banana smoothies for everyone. Tons of fun. Alison wants to do more events, and we have been talking about one based around a new picture book about Albert Einstein.

What am I reading? To be honest, I am in bit of a slump. I started a couple different novels, but they all had a Jody Picoult vibe to them, so I gave up. I needed to have a book in progress, so I grabbed Barrel Fever, the first David Sedaris book I ever attempted. I found it so bizarre, and totally didn't understand his twisted sense of humor that the book sort of turned me off. Since that time, easily fifteen years ago, I have grown to adore him...even getting angry when there is not a new Sedaris essay collection on the horizon. I've got three other books staring at me...Mennonite in a Little Black Dress, The Piano Shop on the Left Bank, and The Dry Grass of August. Peter Pan has been calling me as well. We'll see.

Thanks for stopping by.
Heart-A-Rama tickets are on sale NOW. For more info go to or

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