Monday, September 25, 2017

Noir by Christopher Moore

Christopher Moore, my favorite irreverent rapscallion writer, return, with the this!  I didn't think he could top Lamb's edginess, but Noir does.  He even included this warning for those folk who feel their lives will be forever changed by reading politically incorrect trigger terms: The story is set in 1940's America. The language and attitudes of the narrators and characters regarding race, culture and gender are contemporary to that time and may be disturbing to some.

On an average afternoon, a Jessica Rabbit type blond named Stilton (yes, she was named after the stinky cheese) walks into a gin-joint where Sammy Two Toes is tending bar.  You get the idea right off the bat, don't you? I reserve my snort-laughs (admit it, you have a reserve laugh), bestowing them judiciously.  I let loose  with the snorts on these character names alone. 

Anyway, it's love at first sight for Sammy but before he can act on his emotions, an Air Force General approaches him with urgent business.  Everyone know that Sammy knows people who know people who can get stuff done.  

While that plot unfolds, a suspicious flying object has been spotted near Mount Rainer, followed by a mysterious plane crash in a distant patch of desert in New Mexico.  If you think I'm going to tell you the place is Roswell, you're right.

The fun continues when one of Sammy's schemes goes south and the Cheese mysteriously vanishes.  Sammy is forced to confront his own dark secrets if he want the girl back.  Following a trail that leads from Chinatown to Telegraph Hill to a giant redwood forest, he crosses paths will assorted oddballs including a crooked cop with a dirty habit, a nightclub bouncer waiting for a class from President Roosevelt, taxmen - and an out of this world surprise.

If you think I have loaded this post with spoilers, think again. I'm less than half way through.   Moore packs his books with so much quirky action your head will spin and your gut will hurt from laughter.  Think Raymond Chandler meets Damon Runyon peppered with Bug Bunny.

I still have a couple copies of this gem in stock at 20% discount.  Email me at or Face book me at LaDeDa if you want me to hold one for you.
Thanks for stopping by.
I'm going back to page turning and snorting.